Sunday, April 9, 2017

10 on 10 March 2013

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

March 10th! Already! Time is flying!
Here is a snapshot of our day, which started of with coffee. 
Lots of coffee was needed since we lost an hour of sleep due to Daylight Savings.
We had a lazy Sunday morning & the girls had Eggo waffles.
Kate trying to get Luke to crawl.

It was a beautiful day, in the 70's. Spring has sprung on this tree in our backyard.
 I took down Luke's swing (sad) and put up his high chair. He looks so little in it (yay!)
The weather was so nice, I had lunch outside by the pool. Quesadilas with lots of salsa. I could eat salsa by the spoonful.
Playtime with Luke.
The girls playing tea with their dolls & stuffed animals.

Kate had T-Ball practice today. Love her team. It's going to be a fun season.

5:00....Time for some cheese, crackers & wine. Obessed with these crackers.
Kevin had to work today (boo) but when he got home there was still daylight out, so he worked in the yard, chopping down these huge bushes in our yard. We are re-doing part of our backyard & these bushes are going bye-bye.
These trees/bushes are massive. Kevin has been chopping them down for the past 4 months.
(They used to hang 2 feet over the grass)

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend & hope Daylight Savings didn't mess your sleep up too much!

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