Saturday, April 1, 2017

Brew Crew

On Friday night we attended our first Brewers game of the season. Because they are doing pretty well this year, it's a little bit harder to get tickets and the last 19 games have been sell outs! Go Brewers!

You have to admit that this is a pimp stadium....retractable roof and all.

Look who I found: Bernie Brewer.

What a perfect night for a baseball game, complete with a cold beer and good company.

Our bleacher seats were pretty awesome except for all of the random drunkards falling over and screaming obscenities during the game. Eh, I guess that is to be expected.
The best part of the whole night: the sausage races! For those of you non-Milwaukeeans, we have an Italian sausage, Hot Dog, Chorizo, Bratwurst, and Polish sausage. I totally wanted the Italian to win and Nate voted for the hot dog.
Freaking Chorizo blew the rest of the sausages out of the water!

We sat right under Bernie Brewer's slide and he poked his head out at us a few times. Isn't he a doll?
The Brewers won and we had lots of fun. My only complaint was I was tired from running 18 miles that morning so the game seemed to last forever. I had to entertain myself a little bit and came up with my new favorite question: If you were a professional baseball player, which song would you choose for the 'at bat' song?

Some of the Brewers chose hard core rap songs and some chose country tunes. I think I would start out with Nelly's 'Batter Up' because I'm tough like that. Nate couldn't commit for his choice but I decided that he'd use Nelly's 'Pimp Juice' for a starter.

Which song would you choose? I know it's a hard decision but just try:)

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