Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Husband Bragging

"You must have a wonderful husband."

"Yes I do."

Yesterday I finally broke the news about my pregnancy to one of my co-workers. We were discussing plans for summer activities with the youth we serve, and it finally seemed like the right time to bring it up. After offering a happy congratulations, her first comment was how wonderful of a husband I have.
She was impressed that he was such an active parent, especially in taking care of the kids when I'm off counseling at night. She was impressed that he cooks dinner, bathes the kids, and puts them to bed three nights a week.

I loved being able to brag on him too.

When he came home from work I told him how special he was, and that my co-worker was impressed.
Everyone likes to hear compliments, right?

Make sure you tell your loved ones how special they are and thank them too.

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