Monday, April 17, 2017

Baby 3 33 weeks

5.20.14: Thirty-three weeks with baby number three. My golden week, when my belly matches my age!
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I like stripes and pinks/purples.
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The Good: Baby is fattening up at 4-5 pounds and almost 17 inches long and is almost ready to be on the outside world. So fascinating to me to read those updates online and think of a real, live baby boy in there, growing and kicking and hiccuping away. And oh, he is still kicking like he wants to go down in history for bursting through my belly button. I even woke up one time last week in the middle of the night, specifically because he was kicking my bladder with authority. Ouch, buddy! My OB said he is head down which makes me so happy. I have no idea why I can feel him all over the place, but it's probably because he is a maniac and will be a total wild man on the outside, too. Pointy little body parts make me want to rub my belly at all times just to visualize if it's a tiny heel, an elbow, or a knee that is jabbing me in various organs.

I think my belly is reaching torpedo status at this point.
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I'm seriously in denial that we are so close to meeting our son. I cannot freaking wait. Literally might burst from excitement at this point and feel very little nerves/anxiety about labor and delivery just yet. I'm sure that will change but for now, reading back over Cecelia's birth story made me want to cry because we get to do *that* again!! And soon.

Pretty good for energy levels this week, but I did require a lot of sleep over the weekend. Like, sleeping until 8 am, then napping, and then going to bed before 10pm---all of which are pretty rare around here, but I couldn't hang. I'm trying to find that balance of doing enough activities to feel accomplished and productive but not to much that I regret it later. Always a work in progress.

This whole week flew by and I don't even know what to say was the best moment of the week. Just the weekend in general? Warm, sunny weather, eating pizza on picnic benches with a bunch of friends, a BBQ on Sunday was all amazing. And these next few weeks are going to be even better! We have our Minnesota visitors (Erin!) coming to see us this weekend, then it's our anniversary, then Mom and Memaw fly in, it's Cecelia's birthday and then her party. So much fun!! Time will surely fly.

The Bad: My stomach truly feels like it could explode from stretching, especially at the top. Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions this week that leave me feeling a little uneasy about my body 'getting ready' so soon. I have a hard time getting comfortable in the evening and my upper back hurts. I'm waddling a bit and peeing a ton. Really, really, really ready to be finished at work for awhile. Occasionally letting Jesus take the wheel for solo parenting my two hooligans because I just cannot deal with their shenanigans. If I hear one more 'CC poked me!' or 'True-yyyyyyyy, nooooooooo' I might lay down and take a nap, just to show 'em who's boss. I'm tired, dudes (although I just said my energy levels are pretty good, so I guess it depends on the minute). And yet, I still think for being 33 weeks I'm doing great---it could be so much worse!

The Mushy: I love being pregnant. I'm overwhelmed by emotions on the regular, but especially when I think about adding another person to our crazy crew. A PERSON, you guys. A squishy baby. One that has his own baby smells and little squeaks and cries and weird newborn movements. Gah, I can barely take it sometimes.

The Comparisons: With Truman at 33 weeks, I was still working full time in the super physically demanding/fast paced Acute Care setting (HOW?!?!) and was apparently feeling really good. This was the week before my blood pressure spiked, though, so I know my body was starting to feel it even back then. I was decorating Truman's nursery and we finished up our breastfeeding class. Ah, the good old days. Feeling reminiscent tonight just reading that post---life was so different and we were on the cusp of so much GOOD change!!

And oh, the belly is so different with each of my boys. I don't think this is cropped correctly to adequately show how small I was the first time around, but whatever. You get it.
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With Cecelia at 33 weeks, I was just starting to feel a little uncomfortable, with upper back pain, a tight stomach, and we had just moved into our house. I was deep into unpacking and painting and nesting and although we don't have to be *that* extreme about it this time around, I am finding a lot of satisfaction in organizing and cleaning. I finally mustered up the energy to polyurethane the crib and repaint the nursery windows to be all white instead of the maddening cream panes with white trim. Add those check marks to the 'buy diapers' bullet point on my To-Do list and I'm a happy mama who feels slightly more prepared for this baby. Nate thinks I'm nuts to buy a pack of diapers 'this soon' but truly, it makes me feel a lot more relaxed for some reason. Ahem, control freak.

This comparison shot confirms that my belly is quite a bit bigger this third time around compared to my last. Man, I love comparison pics.
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Ah, pregnancy. So wild. July 8 seems really freaking close and also far away. I know it's really dangerous to allow thoughts like this, but I really think I might go a little early with him. I KNOW, totally jinxing myself and everyone thinks they will go early with subsequent pregnancies. But I just feel so much insane movement, like he wants out, my belly hurts from stretching and I'm tired. As if that means anything...but still. Mark my words: I will be surprised if I make it to my due date. Stop snickering. I know ;)

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