Wednesday, April 26, 2017

10 on 10 August 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

This edition of 10 on 10 is brought to you from hotel hospital.
I seriously feel like I am on vacation right now. Ha!
It is 100 degrees outside & I am in a wonderful, air conditioned hospital and bonding with my son(!!!!!)
The nurses are amazing & I am enjoying this special time with Luke while we both recover from his birth. I am feeling great & this has been my easiest recovery so far!

Here is a snapshot of our day from Room 3504.
Good morning, sweet boy.
"Room Service" brought me my breakfast.
Kevin arrived a little later & brought me a Vanilla Latte and went to the beverage station at the hospital and got me cranberry juice with pellet ice ever!
Kevin hanging with Luke while I showered. Kevin stayed with the girls at our house last night so he was missing his son.
My husband & our son. BOOM! Heart explosion.
Kevin went out & got me my favorite turkey sandwich that I have been craving all pregnancy.
Turkey, cream cheese, cranberry sauce & avocado. So good. I avoid deli meat when pregnant, so this sandwich hit the spot!
Presents in our & a balloon that the girls brought us yesterday and a Vera Bradley Diaper Bag that our hospital gives each new mom.
Looks like he got my long toes. Sorry dude.
Birth. It's not glamorous. And neither is the recovery.
Watching the Olympics while feeding Luke.
Synchronized Swimming is just bizarre. I am so intrigued by it.
My dad & older sister both stopped by after work to visit us.
Luke's middle name, James is because of my dad Jimmy! And, Elyse brought me dinner & a big huge Diet Coke. It hit the spot.
Check out his fingernails...can you believe how long they are? Yikes. They are trimmed now.
So, there you have it...a glimpse of our August 10th.
So fun to be able to document Luke's 2nd day of life.
As much as I will miss the hotel hospital, I am excited to go home tomorrow and start our life as a family of 5.

Check out more 10 on 1o here:
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