Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lets talk Cupcakes

I have always loved cupcakes.
I am not a fan of cake, but love cupcakes!
The past few weeks, I have had cupcakes on my brain.
Maybe it is the fact that because of Lent & I gave up dessert for 40 days.
But, now Lent is over & I can indulge in all the cupcakes I want!

But, here is the problem. I am in a cupcake rut.
I make the same ones every time, my Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes.
{recipe here}

For the past 3 years, I have made these for almost every family birthday, every party I have hosted, Rebecca's bridal shower & Bacherlorette party.
Trust me, these are amazing cupcakes, but it is time to branch out.

Here is where you guys come in!
In December, I hosted the Cookie Recipe Exchange.
It was so fun to have everyone link up their favorite cookie recipes!
There were some awesome recipes that I make all the time now!

So, I decided to host a Cupcake Carnival on May 1st
(in honor of my birthday month & Kevin's birthday month!)

(feel free to grab a button on my side bar)

This Sunday, May 1st, I will put up a blog post with a new cupcake recipe that I am making this week....it involves Oreo's! Can't wait to make them!
I will also have a linky up so you can link up your favorite cupcake recipe!

It can be a cupcake recipe you have already blogged about, or you can post a new recipe.
I can't wait to see what kind of cupcakes you share!

Be sure to comes back next Sunday to link up (or to just check out everyone's recipes!)

I will keep the linky open the whole week!

I hope you will join me....
It's time to make some cupcakes!

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