Tuesday, April 4, 2017

40 Bags in 40 Days Update 1 Lent 2013

Remember when I posted about doing 40 Bags in 40 Days waaaaaaay back in February.
Easter is in 8 days and I am waaaaaaay behind on my 40 Bags in 40 Days.
But, hey! It's all about grace, right?
I thought I should at least update you on what I have done so far because I said I would update as I did them. (Big Fail on that so far, also. Please accept my apologies)

This was my original list:
 So, here is Update #1.
And, for your viewing pleasure? Before and After pics. Because apparently I have no shame in showing you my filth ;)

My closet....yikes.

Got rid of this skirt, circa 2004 from Gap. Size 1. HAHAHAHA.
I'm just going to do myself a favor and get rid of that since I can guarantee it will never fit again. Buh-Bye.



Dresser Drawer #1 BEFORE:
 Dresser Drawer #1 AFTER:
Dresser Drawer #2 BEFORE:
Dresser Drawer #2 AFTER:

Dresser Drawer #3 BEFORE:
Dresser Drawer #3 AFTER:
Dresser Drawer #4 BEFORE:

 Dresser Drawer #4 AFTER:
My closet (and drawers) weren't in THAT bad of shape, I have kept them in decent shape since last year.
In all, I got filled up1 bag black trash bag of clothes/shoes for giveaway.

Claire's Room. AKA: The HOARDER.
Hell hath no fury like the wrath of Claire when you try and get rid of her stuff.
Claire's Closet BEFORE (right side):
Claire's Closet After (Right side):
 Claire's Closet Before (Left Side):
Claire's Closet AFTER (Left Side):

 Claire's Dresser Drawer #1 BEFORE:

 Claire's Dresser Drawer #1 AFTER:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #2 BEFORE:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #2 AFTER:
  Claire's Dresser Drawer #3 BEFORE:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #3 AFTER: 
  Claire's Dresser Drawer #4 BEFORE:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #4 AFTER:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #5 BEFORE:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #5 AFTER:
 Claire's Dresser Drawer #6 BEFORE:

 Claire's Dresser Drawer #6 AFTER:

Claire's Dresser #7 BEFORE:
Claire's Dresser Drawer #7 AFTER:

Claire's Room...1 Black Bag of Giveaway (clothes/toys)  & 1 Target bag of trash.
 Next up, Kate's Dresser Drawers!

Drawer #1 BEFORE:
 Drawer #2 BEFORE:
Drawer #3 BEFORE

Drawer #4 BEFORE
Drawer #5 BEFORE

Drawer #6 BEFORE

 I haven't done Kate's closet yet, that is a project for this week (Spring Break!)
I got rid of 1 Target bag of Kate's clothes for giveaway & she gave a handful of things to Claire that don't fit her anymore.

Next up, the Linen Closet. It was in pretty good shape from last year's 40 Bags clean out.
Upper Cabinet BEFORE:


Bottom Cabinet BEFORE:


I filled up 1/2 a black trash bag for giveaway which included our king size electric blanket (haven't used it in years) and 1 set of king size sheets.

Downstairs Hall Closet (which has become a catch-all for random toys, etc)


Filled up the rest of the black trash bag with some games we haven't played in years....Scene it & Scene it Friends. Also gave away a basket & other random decorations that I stored in here.

Kitchen Pantry is next. UGH. I don't know why I let this get so bad. YUCK.
I mean seriously....

I have no shame when showing you these pics:

You can see the floor & now I have a good place to store our vacuum.

I got rid of 1 Target bag of expired food :( and 1 Target bag of Trash. 
I also donated our Bumbo & tray since Luke is too big for it now.
Also filled 1 Target bag of items to donate, baking stuff, etc.

Kitchen Cupboard #1 
This wasn't too bad, just re-organized the shelves and tossed out a couple things that were expired.

Family Room Side Table Drawer #1 BEFORE:
Family Room Side Table Drawer #2 BEFORE:

Got rid of 1/2 Target bag of junk/random crap.

Wine Cabinet Drawer BEFORE:
China Cabinet Drawer #1 BEFORE:

China Cabinet Drawer #2 BEFORE:

For these drawers, I just recycled/shredded a bunch of paper work that was in these drawers, which became a catch-all for mail, etc.
Got rid of 2 Target bags of recycled paper.

Here is my list so far as of today 3.23.13
{If you want the free printable, check out THIS post.}

I have 12 out of 34 items checked off, which is 35% of my list so I am over 1/3 of the way done.
I have donated 6 Bags of items for Giveaway & 6 bags were trash.

Will I finish before Easter? No. But that is okay, since it took me until August last year to get it all done.
I am officially on Spring Break this week...YAY!
My goal is to get another 8-10 areas checked off this week!

If you made it to the end of this post, sorry you had to look at our filth & messiness.
Like I have said before, my house is generally clean, but closets & drawers are a DISASTER (as you can see!)
Are you doing 40 Bags in 40 Days or Spring Cleaning?
If so, how are you doing?

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