Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Back to Work

I was absolutely heartbroken knowing that I had to go back to work this week and was SO nervous to be away from my little man!

I received the sweetest private Instagram message from my cousin's wife who is a minister in Illinois.  They were in Rome on sabbatical and she knew I was struggling with my maternity leave ending and this note and prayers really comforted me!

Then Monday morning rolled around and I was fighting tears.  As I was packing up my car, Chimi was sitting and looking at me like "where are you going?" and I just broke down.  Ugh!  Wasn't even saying goodbye to Bradley that got me!  On the drive to work I attempted to compose myself.  It helped seeing this rainbow as I was driving down the street (and apparently a sun dog, which I know nothing about).

Once I got to work I walked to my desk and my sweet coworkers had put up pictures of Bradley, had flowers and my favorite snacks!  SO SWEET!!  So once I saw their thoughtfulness, I really lost it.  Oh well.  They all know I wear my emotions on my sleeve and can be a hot mess.  

Then I passed out these cute little elf bags my mom found (filled with candy) to all the girls with a tear stained face. :)

But the day went so fast and before I knew it, it was time to go home!  Monday was also Sprinkles 7th birthday!  Such a pretty girl!

It really was a good week to come back.  Next week is short because of Thanksgiving, and we had a work pot luck which is always delicious (and leads to me eating pickle dip for breakfast at my desk).

My boss also let me take Thursday off so I didn't go back to five straight days, so we bundled Bradley up and spent part of the day with my mom running errands (and lots of snuggles).

Food court lunch of the year feeding him in his stroller??  (Insert guilt face emoji)

So low and behold, like everyone gets easier.  My coworkers have been ridiculously welcoming and understanding (plus lots are moms, too, which helps!!) and are truly friends of mine so it is so nice to see them.  I know if I didn't love my job and coworkers so much this week would have gone MUCH differently.  And my mom is watching him this week and next so we didn't have to start daycare right away which is amazing!  I went home every day over lunch to feed him and cuddle.  Now I just need to figure out how to smuggle Bradley in to work with me and I will be just fine! :)

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