Saturday, April 22, 2017

Valentines Day Fun

I love Valentine's week!  I think it is never bad to have a reason to dote on the ones you love.  I had fun celebrating with my boys!

Of course we had to document Bradley's first Valentine's day with a mini photo shoot.  It is so fun that he sits on his own now!  We like to have the Niche around him in case he gets too excited. :)

At daycare they made little "love bug" hats to put on the babies for pics.  So funny!

Too much love at daycare. :)

We made a little treat for his infant teacher!

On Valentine's Day we didn't do much, just hung around the house and got Potbelly for dinner!

I attempted to make a heart out of chocolate chips on Nate's pancakes.  Didn't work out so well.

I had some semi festive nails as well.

Bradley and his friends hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day!

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