Saturday, July 22, 2017

10 on 10 November 2015 A Winner!

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

Can you believe it? November 10th.....that means it is almost Thanksgiving! 
October thru December is my favorite time of year...Fall...Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Love it all!

My day started off by bundling's cold here in California....the high has been in the 50's....Brr!!
We aren't used to that kind of cold weather, so we bundled up!
In the school parking lot, coffee in hand, ready to teach!
 I love this weather! I really do!
I saw this meme & it totally cracked me's so true!
I got new pens for correcting!!! I LOVE these pens!
They are perfect for grading & also writing things in my planner!

After school, I headed to pick up Luke...the trees are starting to change!
 Bright blue skies & trees slowly changing colors...Fall in California!

Then Luke and I headed to our favorite place...Target!
After Target, Luke and I went shopping for bedroom furniture for his room. He is still in his crib & we had a crib tent on it...but it broke. He is 3 now...we are WAY overdue for him to be in a big boy bed.
We went to a few stores, but Pottery Barn Kids was having a sale with an extra 20% off & I got him THIS bed (its the one in the background)
I also got him THIS matching dresser because currently his crib/dresser is white and I am switching to wood for his bed.
Luke LOVED playing with this wooden construction set. He played with it for almost 30 minutes! I had to literally drag him out of the store.

 His new furniture should arrive in 1-2 weeks. He is so excited for his new bed!

Then it was time to pick up the girls from school. About a month ago, I noticed this cute little pop up library that was put in on the corner of a street in our neighborhood. It's a Little Free Library!
Info on them HERE
I have been wanting to get some books from it, so we finally stopped! You borrow books & then return them. You can add your own books to the Library. SO fun!! 
I got 3 books from this library. 
For the girls I borrowed Ralph S. Mouse and for myself I borrowed Glitter and Glue & Reconstructing Amelia.
Has anyone read either of these books? They look good!

 Once the girls were home, it was homework time!
Claire is working on her thankful Turkey feathers.
She is thankful for God & Jesus and also Grammy & her family. 
So sweet.
She gets to decorate the feathers & then give a speech on them. 

 Our annual family photos are this week, so I laid out the outfits. I always lay them out to make sure everything flows together. I don't want to be too mathcy-matchy, but I want them to coordinate. After a few swaps here & there, this is what I ended up with for our final outfits:
 Family photos....stressful, but worth it :)

 Then it was time to get dinner ready. Because of the chilly weather, I was all about making comfort food....homemade spaghetti sauce. I add fresh mushrooms & fresh basil to my sauce. YUM.
 Kate had her last soccer practice on Tuesday night! I won't miss taking her to practice since it is from 6-7 and right in the middle of dinner & getting ready for bed (our kids are in bed around 7:30/8, so late soccer practice has not been my favorite)
Then after the kids were in bed, it was time for Kevin & I to watch our latest Netflix obsession....How to Get Away with Murder! We started it last week and are loving it! We gave up on House of Cards....we were part way through Season 2 and weren't loving it, so decided to ditch it for now.
 And, yes...that is a glass of wine and a leftover Reeses PB cup from Halloween (favorite candy!!) Yes, I had them in bed...that's how I roll. Don't judge ;)

So, there you have it! My 10 on 10 on November 10th!

The Winner of my Crocktober Giveaway is:
Congrats on winning a new Crock Pot & a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
Leave a comment or email me to claim your prize!

 Hope you are all having a great week!

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