Saturday, July 1, 2017

10 on 10 November 2009

Ten on Ten: Take a photo once an hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty among the ordinary things of your day!

Here is my 10 on 10 for November 2009!
Claire was a happy girl this morning, despite the 3 new teeth that are coming in (2 molars & another bottom tooth):
Kate wasn't quite ready to wake up:
Ready to go to school with my new {pink} Coffee Bean travel mug that I got this weekend:
Claire with her Bear at 14 months. I can't believe I forgot to take this yesterday on her actual 14th month birthday!
(To see Claire with her Bear from the past year, click HERE)
Kate has been refusing to nap all week (no!!!!!) so she had some quiet time on our bed watching Sesame Street (Michelle Obama was on today's episode!)
LOVE Kate's green eyes!
Kate picked out her own shoes & socks today.....
View from my parent's front yard, only one fall colored tree. I am waiting patiently for the colors to change!!!!
Want to know how to get an almost 3 year old to cooperate with you at Trader Joe's?
Get them a balloon & an apple juice!
We made pumpkin bread tonight! YUM!
And, here is my mom's vintage 1967 Singer sewing machine that I borrowed today. I am going to "attempt" to learn how to sew. Wish me luck. My first project is going to be THIS. I am scared!
Join in the 10 on 10 fun next month!

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