Sunday, July 16, 2017

Public Service Announcement

A few weeks ago, I was trying to figure out storage for Kate's preschool work & special art projects. I only keep some of her things and I wanted to make sure that the things I did keep were put in a safe place & wouldn't get damaged, but also wouldn't take up a lot of room.
I decided to get an under-the-bed wrapping paper storage bin. Her things fit in it nicely and I could store it under her bed and not see it. And, if she wanted to look at some of her work, she could easily access it & put away.
It seemed like the perfect solution. Right? WRONG.
Well, fast forward a few days after I got her bin.
Kate & Claire were playing "hide and go seek" before bath time one night.
I was cleaning up dinner downstairs & Kevin was getting their bath ready and he called to the girls saying it's time to get in the tub.
Kate goes into the bathroom & tells Kevin that she is ready for her bath.
Kevin calls for Claire & Kate tells him that Claire won't be able to hear him because she is in a good hiding spot and can't get out.
Kevin asks Kate where Claire is & Kate says under her bed in the container.
I hear Kevin yell, "Oh $@*#!!! and run down the hallway.
I run upstairs & Kevin was in Kate's room and was looking under Kate's bed for Claire.
Turns out, Kate & Claire thought the under the bed storage would make a good hiding spot for Claire.
They had taken out all of Kate's work in the bin, Claire laid down in the empty bin and then Kate put the lid on and slid it under the bed!!!!!!!!!
"Oh, $@*#!!!" is right.
Luckily, Claire was fine...she had only been in there for less than a minute, she was breathing and wasn't harmed and was startled at Kevin and I (because we were TOTALLY freaking out)
We had a LOOOOOOONG talk with the girls about how you never, ever, ever, ever get inside of a bin. Much less put the lid on it & slide it under a bed.
They felt awful, they just thought it was a really good hiding spot.
Needless to say, I never, ever, ever would have thought that this under the bed storage was a potential death trap. It gives me nightmares when I think about how bad that scenario could have ended up. It was something so innocent that could have had a horrible ending.
Thank you, Jesus.
We threw away the lid and are still using the bin as storage for her things, and the girls know that it is not something you play with or go in. EVER.
So, there is my PSA for all of you who may have under the bed storage bins.
They are not as safe as I thought.

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