Sunday, July 30, 2017

Whats Up Wednesday September 2016

It's the last Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our What's Up Wednesday Link Up!

Link up with  me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with YOU!

Here we go!
What We’re Eating this week..... 
Since the weather is still in the 90's here in California, our meal plan this week reflects that!
Chicken & Veggie Stir Fry with Noodles

Taco Tuesday....3 ingredient Chicken Tacos

Fiesta Stuffed Bell Peppers

Friday Night Pizza Night!

I also like to make some treats during the week. Because it was so hot this week & didn't want to turn on the oven, so I am making these No Bake Protein Energy Balls.

What I'm Reminiscing about.....
Today marks exactly 20 years since I went on my recruiting trip to the University of Colorado.
It was the first time I stepped foot on the campus & I fell in LOVE!
 Next month we are heading back to Boulder for a soccer reunion. 
I can't wait!
What I'm loving.....
Rodan + Fields announced an AMAZING special a few weeks ago and I am LOVING it!
I love that I can offer you guys over $250 in FREE product!
For anyone who purchases a Redefine Amp It Up Special, you will receive an ENTIRE BOX of Acute Care ($220 value, overnight  wrinkle filler) for FREE!
Acute care fills wrinkles while you sleep...perfect for expression lines. 
This is a CRAZY GOOD DEAL & it ends on FRIDAY!

Plus, if you pair it with the Back to School Special, you can also get a FREE eye cream ($60 value)

I LOVE Rodan + Fields products & love that they have amazing specials like the ones going on right now.

I also love that we have a 60 day, empty bottle, 100% money back guarantee, so that if the products don't work for you, you can return them and get all your money back!!!

This offer is good for NEW and CURRENT Preferred Customers!  

Email me to get this amazing deal before it sells out!

All our products come with a 60 day empty bottle 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose for trying it out! 
If you don't want the Redefine AMP it up Special, but want one of our other regimens, you can still get the FREE eye cream if you become a preferred customer. This eye cream is a $60 value & lasts 4-5 months

My Back to School Special is still going on, it ends this FRIDAY.

 FREE eye cream for all new preferred customers! Plus $20 cash back and 10% off your order. 

If you want to know what products are best for your skin, take my solutions tool HERE. 


 Email me with questions or to place an order!

What We've been up to.....
 September was a busy month!
It started out with Claire's Flamingo Pool Party:
 Every weekend since then has been soccer, soccer, soccer!
 Last weekend we went to the Luke Bryan concert with our neighbors.

So much fun!

What I'm Dreading.....
 The Election season....UGH!!!!!
 Don't like any of them.
One of my friends texted this to me after the debates:
 It totally made me laugh!

What I'm Working On.....
Grading, grading, grading!
Our quarter is almost over (can't believe it!)
So, I have tons of tests to grade & enter this week!
Gotta love the #teacherlife

What I'm Excited About.....
 Two fun trips planned in the next few weeks!
Watch out Vegas & Boulder!
I am SOOOO excited!

What I'm Watching........
This past week was the start of the Fall 2016 Premieres, so I have been watching several shows!
You can read about what shows I am watching HERE.
2 shows that have stuck out to me the most are:
This is Us
 I am obsessed. Like, really obsessed. I have watched the pilot 3 times!

And, I am liking Kevin Can is funny. A good comedy sitcom!

What I'm Reading.....
This month has been so busy with getting back into the swing of thing with Back to School (and watching TV...LOL!) that I have only read 1 book....and I haven't even finished it yet!
Harry Potter:

I am almost done. So far, so good!

What I'm Listening to.....
Ride by Twenty One Pilots

 And, I am listening to Meghan Trainor since she will be singing at our Gala at the Rodan + Fields convention in Vegas next week!

What I'm Wearing.....
Unfortunately I am not wearing Fall clothes yet.
It is still in the 90's. Boo!
The weather is supposed to cool down next week, so then I can break out the jeans & booties!
 These are my 2 favorite booties:


What I’m doing this weekend.....
 Soccer games for the girls & a birthday party for Luke!

What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
 So many fun things planned for October!
Las Vegas for Rodan + Fields Convention
Colorado for my CU soccer reunion

What else is new.....
I am trying to decide on a new dress for Vegas...what is your vote:

Dress #1
Dress #2

Since it is in Vegas, I am all about the sequins :)
Which one do you like best?
Question of the month is:
What is your favorite Fall recipe?
Fall food is my favorite type of food to make!
I have several recipes that I make every fall.
Like I have mentioned, here in California, I don't consider the Fall season starting until October 1st.
Every October 1st, I celebrate the beginning of Fall by making Pumpkin Bread. 
I promise you this is the best pumpkin bread ever. 

Recipe HERE

During October & November, I am alllllll about Pumpkin recipes, so here are some of my favorite ones!

Main Dishes
Baked Ziti with Sausage & Pumpkin, Spinach & Mushrooms
Recipe HERE

Slow Cooker Sweet Potato, Pumpkin & Black Bean Chili
Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Desserts
Pumpkin Spice Cake:
Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Bars:
 I thought I would share it with you, because I'm nice like that!
Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies:
Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles
Recipe HERE

Pumpkin Ice Cream Cake:
Recipe HERE

 Pumpkin Cheesecake:
Recipe HERE

 Give me ALL the pumpkin! (except the PSL & Pumpkin Pie....GROSS!)


If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU!

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