Monday, July 31, 2017

Im So Fancy A Giveaway to Celebrate Fanciness

For those of you that rarely come out of Feedly/Bloglovin', today is the day you must click through that wall. Because the old bloggity blog received a FANCY facelift and I'm abnormally excited about this re-design.

I knew I'd eventually hire Stephanie at How Sweet Designs again since she did an amazing job with my previous design two years ago. I mean, it was a must for me since Porter was not in the old header or profile and I'm in a major 'must update everything in the house/life to reflect Porter's addition to the family' phase.

Plus, I really wanted my site to look cleaner, sleeker, and run a little faster. Heaven forbid I stop using hundreds of photos per post! I was ready for a change to add Porter and subtract some of the busyness, and began scouring other blogs and Pinterest for inspiration.

So I created a long list of 'must haves' on my phone and became a really annoying client for Stephanie YET AGAIN, because I had so many (very specific) ideas. It all came together beautifully and I'm truly in love with the new design.

I think the new header is my favorite part. It's simple, I love the font/style, and wanted to have all of those navigation tabs on top and bottom to make everything easy to find. It's a little embarrassing to admit how happy two little bars of blog tabs make me right now. Take a look around and you might find a few brand new tabs, like 'birth stories', 'popular DIY posts', 'advertise' and 'reviews.' I also spent a ridiculous amount of time updating the other tabs--especially 'kids gear', but most of the others should all be up-to-date, also.

You'll find a new tag line that took me a solid few weeks to create;)

A new profile picture and description.

A super fancy 'Pin It' hover option over my images, along with the ability to follow me or share a post through social media. About time, huh?

I hope the new design makes the site load a little quicker, makes it easier to navigate (oh, I have a 'search this blog' option, too!), and that commenting is easy as well. Because I always love to hear from you, dear readers.

In celebration of the new design and as a way to say 'thank you' for taking the time to read my blog, I wanted to do a little giveaway. I *had* planned to do something special when I published my 1000th post on this blog but apparently that was 42 posts ago. Oops. So consider this a 'yay, new blog design' and 'yay, blog has been around for 1000+ posts) celebration. And a 'thank you for reading' type of thing, too.

Up for grabs: A $50 Target Gift Card. You'd have to use it on something fun for yourself though, alright?

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below and tell me a little about yourself. How long have you been reading my blog? Are you a mom? Do you dig the new design? Play around a little bit and let me know if anything needs to be fixed, or updated. You gain additional entries by following me on IG @mrsjuliagoolia and FB at My Life in Transition Blog.

Also, if you have a blog and are interested in treating it to a little nip and tuck like mine, Stephanie is giving $10 off her base package to my readers until October 1st. Just mention that I referred you and have fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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