Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The 2010 Summer List

Our first weekend of summer has been hot, busy & fun!

I don't know about you, but I love lists!
I especially love checking things off a list. It feels so good!
Kate came up with almost every item on the summer list.
The first thing she said to put on the list was to "Have Christmas in Tahoe" but I reminded her that Christmas wasn't until December, so she would have to wait on that. Last time we were in Tahoe was the day after Christmas & it was snowy. Kate thinks it is going to be snowy there this summer.
After I wrote them down, she added her own coloring touches.
Here it is:
I am so excited about having the summer off with my girls.
Let me tell you, that is probably the biggest perk about being a teacher.
If you remember my post in January, I wrote about THIS.
I think our summer list will make me very intentional with the time I have with my girls this summer! My goal is to do all of these things on the list. I have 70 days of summer with my girls and I want to make them fun & memorable!

What fun things do you have planned this summer?
I can always add to our list :)

And, I picked a winner for my note card giveaway!
Congrats Andrea!
Email me what note card you want from my shop!

If you didn't win this giveaway, don't be sad, I am doing another giveaway today over at Blessed Little Nest.
Head over there for her Blogger's Guide to Summer.
Heather is going to have guest bloggers & giveaways All Week Long!
My guest post & giveaway will be up sometime today!

I am humbled & honored to do a guest post and giveaway for her.
Heather & her blog are awesome, head over there to be inspired!

Happy Summer!

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