Thursday, July 6, 2017


This has been the season of the craft!  It started with those damn deco mesh wreaths on Pinterest, and my friends and I can't stop!  A few weekends ago, we had our second Craft Night, but this time we did it during the day!  These days are SO fun to see what everyone brings to work on, eat yummy food, and have a reason to get together to catch up while also being productive!

For this craft day, I brought another wreath to work on, but this time for Christmas.  I was second guessing everything I was doing with this wreath for some reason - thank goodness for patient friends!  I think it turned out alright, still need to maybe add some touches to it.  But I guess it isn't even Halloween yet...
Next, I wanted to make the adorable yarn trees I had pinned, and they were so easy and fun!  One of my Christmas plans is to get a smaller white tree and put all my cupcake ornaments and anything in those colors on it, and these would be perfect next to that tree, since my main tree is a mishmash of Christmas fun.  Success!
Then, this past weekend was my families annual craft weekend, where we go to my parent's lake house with my grandma, aunts, cousin, and extended family for some girl time and craft fun!  Most of my aunts and mom knit on this weekend.  My aunt owns a knitting shop in Iowa and is amazingly talented at knitting!  We also watch some movies - loved seeing my grandma chuckle at the opening scene in Magic Mike!

This was the first year my cousin Molly and I decided we were going to actually craft on craft weekend  so we had to make a stop at Hobby Lobby.  I'm OBSESSED with Hobby Lobby!  How can they not have this in the Twin Cities?  They truly had 20 aisles of Christmas crap - my favorite stuff in the world!  I wanted to buy it all, but of course, need to not go crazy since there are many a house project I need to save for!

Sidebar - does it bug anyone else they hand type in the prices?  Holy errors I am sure!  How can you not scan this day in age?  My only beef with Hobby Lobby.

Here was our cart after a good hour of browsing.  Found some Christmas treasures and we also decided on our craft.

Our craft was....Christmas balls!  We purchased cheap different sized balls, glue guns (mine purple, Molly's zebra/turquoise), glitter spray, and these bags of decorative balls.  We said balls so many times and it never got old.
We loved it!  Probably could have purchased pre-made ornaments for much cheaper, but then we would have been craft-less on craft weekend.
So cute!
Next year we will have to get up even earlier and get more crafts on our Hobby Lobby run!

Last but not least, I have been giggling at this for two days.  Can't stop!

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