Friday, July 14, 2017

hairy situation

I've been given a task--a project--if you will. And you know that I love projects:) Keri called me tonight and enlisted my internet searching powers for her wig hunt. Apparently I'm known among my friends for being "internet savvy" or possibly just "the one who spends way too much time online." Regardless, she delegated this task to me. And I will not fail, my doves.

Keri is anticipating losing her signature curly blond locks soon. As a planner she is already on top of the wig hunt. In addition to some fabulous scarves and hats, she will probably rock one straight wig and would like a curly one, similar to her real hair. As a reminder, here are her natural curls:
The problem lies here: she lives in a small town lacking curly wig options. The internet is her friend but apparently when you type in "curly wigs" to the almighty Google, time warps backwards to the 80s. And it ain't pretty, folks.

So when you see something like this, you get hopeful. Sounds perfect, right?

Not so much. Exhibit A--bad 80s perm with a little bit of mullet in the mix. Maybe it's just the way it's styled?

Okay, so exhibit B poses another problem: a lot of these wigs are for the African American ladies out there, which would be perfect if Keri wasn't such a Caucasian. I think the name brand proves it isn't for our girl:

Now here is a lovely pale lady. Feathered waves, weird layers, and a dull gaze. Is it just me or is something seriously wrong with this chick? Like she might have just woken from a drunken stupor?

Oh, dear Lord. She isn't 90 years old, people. [No offense to the 'mature generation' out there---especially you, Memaw. You'd know better than to wear this wig, right?]

And finally, I may be obsessed with the color pink and I'm all for breast cancer awareness but seriously? The name of this is 'incognito' because you can totally blend in with your surroundings wearing this beast. Yep, it's basically camouflage.

I should mention that my husband is a real comedian. When we first discussed Keri losing her hair he said, "Going bald isn't THAT bad. Just tell her all the cool kids do it." Which is cute in some sort of sad way. Keri also mentioned tonight that she can now sympathize with Nate and realizes how traumatic it was for him to lose his hair. They've formed a new bond that is deeper than I'll know. Perhaps they should wig hunt together?

How about this one---dude who looks like a cracked out version of Michael Scott on The Office. GREAT look for Nate! So the point of this post is this: does anyone have a fabulous website for curly wigs? Preferably 100% human hair and cute. Preferably not hot pink.

Of course if you are one of the lucky ones in life who have desk jobs with time to kill, possibly you could do some searching for us? Because so far Michael Scott is coming out ahead...

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