Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Five on Friday some Favorites!

It's Friday!
This is me during the week:
 Anyone else? ;)

Friday is my favorite day of the week!

I have 5 things to share with you today!

November means it's Thanksgiving month!
I am so excited. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. 
And, Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite meals of the year. 
Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, Pumpkin Cheesecake....I LOVE it ALL!
One of the traditions I do for our kids teachers & our neighbors for Thanksgiving is make them pumpkin bread with a little printable I made:
You can find the printable & recipe {HERE}

Trader Joe's is my favorite!
I have so many favorites that I buy on a weekly basis from TJ's.
Here are a few:
Chunky Guacamole made with Greek Yogurt.

 They call it reduced guilt, but is that still the case if you eat the whole container in one sitting?!? Asking for a friend ;)

I am not a fan of store bought cookies. If you remember, I am a Cookie Snob.
But these Triple Gingersnaps are AMAZING.
 I use them on the crust for my Pumpkin Cheesecake :
 & the topping for my Pumpkin Spice Cake:

This salad is one of my favorites:


I also LOVE their Pumpkin Pancake & Waffle's my favorite!

Their cooked baby beets are awesome & perfect for salads!

I use them in my Beet Salad!

What are your favorite items from Trader Joes?

In less than 60 days from now it will be January 1, 2016

Take my 60 Day Skin Challenge and have fabulous skin for the Holidays and start your New Year right!
We have products for all skin types!

Take my Solutions Tool questionnaire to find out which regimen is perfect for you HERE
Become a Preferred Customer with PC Perks and give me 60 days.
  If on New Years Day you are not completely happy, send back the empty bottles, get all your money back!
You have nothing to lose and gorgeous skin to gain! 

Anne took the Reverse Challenge to get rid of pregnancy melasma & sun damage!

 Jackie took the Unblemish Challenge!

Amazing results in just 2 months!

For all new Preferred Customers who take my 60 day Challenge, you will get $20 cash back, 10% off your order, FREE shipping AND a FREE Essentials Item!

Email me to place an order & take my 60 day challenge!

Boots & Jeans Season is my favorite!
 These are my favorite boots. 
I got them 2 years ago & I wear them 3-4 times a week. 
Love, love, love them!
{Get them HERE}
They are now 20% off! 
If you want to see my Top 5 favorite boots & Top 5 favorite Jeans, be sure and check out THIS post! 
 Lots of options at different price points...several for under $30

Grey's Anatomy is now one of my favorite shows.
I started watching it this summer starting at season 1...I had never watched before (I know!!!)
As of last night, I finished Season 11.
This is me watching during the last few episodes of Season 11.

Seriously though....I am still processing what just happened.
Love this show. Wow.

So, there you have it....5 on Friday including some of my favorites!

Linking up with these lovely ladies:

  Andrea, Erika & Narci

 DarciAprilChristina, & Natasha


If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

And, don't forget to check out my Crocktober Link Up!

 There are yummy crock pot recipes linked up, PLUS a CrockPot giveaway & a $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
Enter HERE if you haven't already! 
Giveaway ends on Sunday!
Have a GREAT Weekend!

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