Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Big Reveal

The time has come, my friends. I would like to introduce you to my new album design company:

The "J" obviously stands for "Julia" and Lorene is my middle name. It's pronounced lor-EEN {and definitely not lor-AINE.} I eventually concurred that using my name was better than an arbitrary 'pink' selection. But don't worry, my color of choice still makes an appearance.

The domain I purchased is: And I got my fabulous website hosting and template at [after researching my options for about a week]. I have been hard at work and I hope you enjoy! It's still a work in progress for sure so expect frequent updates as needed.

Oh, and my logos? I forced myself to figure out Photoshop even more thoroughly. I still can't believe I made them myself ::::patting self on back:::::.
Okay, now go run off and explore and let me know what you think. I can't believe I'm actually following through with my dream and doing this business thing!

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