Monday, March 20, 2017

The Vacation that began ended with Barf

Last Thursday, I packed up the car & loaded up the kids and headed to Tahoe for 5 days.
I call this a "vacation" with quotes because really? A vacation with kids isn't a vacation. 
Vacations are relaxing. Traveling with kids is work. Hard work. 
It's a trip. It's a  going to a destination.
Vacation? No. Trip? Yes.
Kevin stayed behind to work & finish up a work project that had a pressing deadline. 
It was my first roadtrip all by myself.
Everything was going great until 2 hours in when Kate told me that she was getting carsick.
I told her to stop reading her book and close her eyes.
I handed her a plastic bag...just in case. 
Good thing I did, she barfed a few minutes later.

 Quick 5 minute pit stop to get rid of the bag & then we were off again.
You can either laugh or cry when things like this happen. 
I chose to laugh. And drink wine. 
(But not while driving, don't worry. I wait until I get to my destination.)

I knew she was just car sick because she had been reading her books on windy mountain roads.
And, an hour later when we stopped at In-n-Out, she ate an entire hamburger & thing of fries.
Whenever Kate gets the stomach bug, she doesn't have an appetite for days. 
This was just getting car sick.
We were in the clear. Phew.

Luke gets 5 stars for traveling. He is so chill & easy.

 Tahoe is my happy place. I love the quiet, the smell of pine trees and the beauty.
Check out the back of my car (also a Tahoe)
 All that stuff for just 5 days. Gotta love traveling with a baby. They need so much stuff. 

 One of my favorite things is coffee in the morning on the back deck.
This was much needed since my kids sleep horribly in Tahoe. 
The altitude? The excitement of being there? Sharing a room? It's a combo of all of it.
 I love you, Tahoe. And coffee. I love you, too.

 I was excited to take Luke to the lake for the first time. 
 He loved the sand. Loved it.

He kept kicking his feet in the sand. Loved the sand between his toes. So cute.
 My parents & sisters came up also.  Brother cousins at the lake, Jack was not impressed.

Friday night Pizza night in Tahoe. All kids asleep by 7pm. Peace & Quiet. Wine. Just me & my younger sister. My favorite hour of the entire trip.
 One of my least favorite parts? This nasty spider I found in our bathroom sink.

Saturday was more lake time.
   Iced coffee time at my favorite Tahoe coffee shop.
My brother in law did the Tougher Mudder on Saturday & really hurt his ankle. Ouch.
 Yes, my sister married a Dodger fan. Ugh. Conincidence that he hurt the ankle with the Dodgers tatoo? I think not.  :)

  Remember making pot holders as a kid? Weaving Loom!
 Found a new beach spot on Lake Tahoe.

 After 5 days, it was time to head home.
 It was a tiring (and fun) 5 days. 
Luke was a champ, slept great and loved the lake.
The girls slept horrible & where up several times each night. 
We got home and I was exhausted. Ready to sleep in my own bed.
The first night we were home, Kate woke up at 11:30 and barfed.
Then, proceeded to get sick EVERY HOUR after that until 8:30 in the morning.
Turns out my brother in law & sister had also gotten sick the day before.
Kate was sick for 24 hours & then Claire woke up the next night with it. 
Kevin stayed home from work yesterday feeling nauseous.

Hope I don't get it and Praying that Luke doesn't get it.
Gotta love "vacations"
Especially ones that start and end with barf.
Tahoe is still my happy place.
Hoping our next family trip in a few weeks is barf free.

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