Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lining Dresser Drawers

Since Nate did such an amazing job with the outside of the dresser, I decided I should attempt to make the inside just as cute!  This is one of the first DIY attempts for the nursery for me, and definitely one of the last!  I do like how the drawers turned out, however.

The little girls napped through this project.  They were not impressed with my lack of DIY abilities.

I picked up the supplies at JoAnn Fabrics and got some tips from the sweet lady working there.  I do think she over estimated my skills, but we will let that slide.  We purchased Modge Podge, fabric and sponge brushes.  My first step was cutting the fabric to size.  I just cut them a little over what the edge of the drawer would be, not measuring or worrying about perfection at all.  Chimi thought the fabric was a nice bed.

Then I slopped on some Modge Podge.  So far so good!

Here came the hard part.  The Modge Podge said to let dry for a little before adding the fabric, but then once I would lay the fabric on the MP it wasn't sticking enough.  I would paint my next layer of MP on the top of the fabric and it would slide the fabric all over the place.  Ugh!

I eventually worked my way through, and by the last one I got smart and put the fabric down right away on top of the slightly wet MP and then continued my top layer of MP.  Soooo much easier.

Nate offered to trim the edges with an X acto knife and I think he saved the day!  He made them look much nicer than when I was working on them.

Sidebar #1 - how cute is my diaper bag??  Dying to use!

We put some diapers and supplies we had on hand in the top drawers.  I'm sure this will be organization in progress since we don't know what we will be using and where makes the most sense to store until we use it.  I don't think either of us have ever even changed a diaper...that fun fact will be changing fast!

Sidebar #2 - one of my mom's best friends sent us the Mamaroo from our registry!  So amazingly generous!  We put it together the second it arrived and Chimi tested it out.  She loves it!  Check out the funny video of her riding it on my Instagram.  Fingers crossed Bradley loves it, too! :)

Perfect place for doggy baby naps.

My mom also picked up the newborn insert for us.  Matches the room so well!

So there you have it!  Moral of the story - buy shelf/drawer liners that are pre-sticky and then cut them.  No need to go through the Modge Podge pain that I did!  But I am pleased with the end result.

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