Saturday, March 4, 2017


For Nate, my loving husband, who understands me better than anyone else on the earth (even better than myself, sometimes). For finding this amazing man, marrying him, and living our lives together until we are old and gray. For his sense of humor, his tender heart, his determination, and his ability to be the handy-man of the house. I'm honored to start a family with him and I hope our son is a little mini-Nate; I've said it before but again, he is going to be an amazing dad. I love you, Nate. Thank you for being you.
For my family, back in Missouri, and their constant support of us northerners. The relationship that I've formed with my parents as I've grown older and wiser; treasuring every phone call, every email, and especially every visit. For being my Dad's daughter, having the epitome of a male role model in my life through him, and experiencing the comfort of a fabulous father-daughter relationship. Thank you for bestowing upon me my attention to finances, mister CPA:) For being my Mom's daughter, with the privilege of her unconditional love and never-ending encouragement. For having the best example of what a true mother should be to a child. Thank you for giving me my creativity and neuroses, dear mother:) For being my brother's sister, living vicariously through my six-year-junior. Knowing that we can go to each other for anything, especially a modest dose of sarcasm. Love you guys.

For the best grandparents around, Memaw and Pepaw, who embrace their 'golden years' with enough energy and vitality to inspire younger generations. For their wisdom, guidance, and love sent via regular emails, handwritten letters and phone calls. Their ability to adapt to the modern technology of computers has certainly allowed our relationship to deepen, although it is somewhat shocking to see my grandparents on Facebook:) These two are the ultimate matriarch and patriarch figures in our family and I am incredibly blessed to have them in my life, and in my future-son's life. Four generations we come!

For my incredibly generous and supportive in-laws. When I dreamed of my future husband I never imagined him having such an amazing family, as well. To say that I've lucked out in the in-law department is the understatement of the year. I'm so incredibly thankful for their willingness to embrace this 'southerner' as a part of their own family, making her feel at home from day one. Thankful for this time in our lives when we live close enough to solidify our relationship as I'm sure I will always look back at this period of time with a tender heart. Thank you for everything you do for us. It does not go unnoticed.
For this pregnancy and the wonderfully eye-opening experiences it brings each day. For the gift of feeling my baby move inside me, the joyful anticipation of meeting our son in a few months, and the responsibility of bringing another life into this world. I am trying with all of my might to stay in the moment and not take a second of it for granted. Thank you for giving me this indescribable gift.

For my happy little doggy, the other love of my life, and his perfectly imperfect character. For the continuous excitement he shows every single day when I come home. For smelly puppy dog breath and goofy grins and a one-of-a-kind personality that never gets old. And mostly, for his cuddle-worthy fur that smells just like him, all of the time.

For my health, and the health of my loved ones. I will never take for granted the privilege of being well.

For my amazing girlfriends scattered across the nation. Their support through the years, sharing major milestones together, and the numerous 'girl talks' have made these girls my best friends. And boy do we have some stories to share...

For my career in a field that is stable in these uncertain times (and busier than ever!). For the chance I get to affect people's lives in positive way, making a difference and helping others. Sure, it's exhausting giving myself to my patients, seeing their illnesses and watching as some don't get better. But for that one moment when I assist a patient to walk after many weeks in bed, or I help a patient regain strength enough to return home after being away for many months, it is all worth it. Thank you for my job and it's ability to support my family.

I am thankful for my life right now. It's an amazing ride and full of numerous blessings. Thank you, God for every minute.

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