Thursday, March 30, 2017

its a bird its a plane its super Truman!

The verdict is in: flying with a 6 month old was much easier than anticipated. If you care to know all of the gritty details about what to pack or how to manage a baby in security lines/on the plane let me know in the comments. Otherwise I'll keep it to myself:)

So our trip to my parents house was nothing short of amazing. Actually, I could use a lot of adverbs here (ie phenomenal, awesome, fun, great, etc etc etc) but I won't. Let's just say it was the bomb and I love my family and our time spent with the whole crew was absolutely perfect. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking on this one since I did manage to take almost 300 in our 4 days there.

My boys maxing relaxing after making it through security the first time, celebrating with coffees, the iPod touch, and a paci. :)

the new desktop photo on my computer:

Flying baby in the air among the clouds, totally chill and downing a bottle. Love this one, too.

And then we arrive and mommy never gets to hold Truman again (aside from feeding him, of course). To say that my mom and the rest of my family love Truman is a gross understatement. I think he likes his Missouri folks, too.

Don't you love this shot, if not for Nate's awesome mug or Truman's adorable face, but for the pimped out pose I'm flashing in my 6 year old photo in the back?

Pepaw made my brother and I this wooden high chair and we couldn't find the straps, so we improvised. And thus, the most adorable thing ever was created.

man boobs and all...


Sweet potatoes still a hit. And do you see the fleck of brown in his inner iris? The rest of it is still that gorge greenish gray but I do see some brown in there.

Sheer happiness with her first grandchild.


And then Memaw took on the challenge of an iPod touch. So hip, this one is.

Oh, but Truman has his own tricks including pushing up on his hands.

Pepaw observing our family.

Lucie doing the same.

And Truman showing off his new vibrating strawberry teether that is basically the bomb for this teething baby. And by the way, I totally see two small white lines faintly in his lower gum line. Those phantom teeth are starting to show, alleluia!

Memaw and her first great-grandchild.



Let the feeding begin!

My dad was totally enthralling to Truman. He'd flash his smile at his grandpa from across the room and pretty much melt all of our hearts. I can just see the golf games these two will have in the future:)

My cousin Kelsey came to see her second cousin and Sophie came out to play.



Melting my heart as we speak.

Blurry but a fave, to show off Truman's new high-top Nike shoes.

And at the airport, ready to go home in his new umbrella stroller. Note the chaotic 'mommy bag' in front for special effect.

That summarizes the trip fairly well, I suppose. Sigh. It was glorious. And now I won't be so afraid to fly with Truman by myself in just two weeks when we make the trek to Keri's wedding!

This week I start my new job on Wednesday and Truman starts his new daycare. I plan to relish every second of these next two days at home with my baby boy and then suck it up and plunge head-first into our new journey in life. Wish us luck!

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