Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Scaredy Dog

Our poor yellow lab is having a hard time adjusting to our new house.
You see, our new house is a two story house, but the stairs are hardwood.
Apparently, Boulder is a scaredy dog & won't go DOWN the stairs (unless Kevin is carrying her)
She goes up them just fine, but is too scared to come down them.

She will sit at the top of the stairs whimpering & shaking. It is quite sad.

Our old house was 2 stories, but the stairs had carpet.
We think she is scared of slipping down the stairs because they are hardwood?!?
Kevin has been carrying her downstairs, but this weekend he decided to try and train her to walk down the stairs.

He tried putting a few pieces of her dog food on each stair to entice her down the stairs (if you have a lab, you know that they love food & will eat anything in sight). But, this didnt really work for Boulder at first, she stood there shaking & whining.
Finally, after 20 minutes & a lot of dog kibble later, she finally walked down the stairs.
Kate was there cheering her on.
Go Boulder, Go!
But, I wouldn't call it success, because that is the only time she did it.
She went back upstairs later on yesterday afternoon & didn't come back downstairs until Kevin carried her down to take her out to go potty.
Same thing today.... I had to carry her downstairs when I got home from school so that she could go to the bathroom.
It is so pathetic (but funny at the same time).
Looks like we don't have a very effective watch dog, but instead we have a high maintenance scaredy dog.

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