Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Thank you for standing beside me for the rest of my life. For helping me to be a better person and for being my best friend.
Thank you for being more than just my family, but my friends. Even though I'm starting a new life in a different state you will always be with me. I hope to see you very soon.

Thank you for welcoming me into your family with open arms. I'm proud to call you my in-laws and I'm so grateful to have you in this new chapter of my life.
Thank you for being amazing girlfriends who have supported me through good times and bad. I am so blessed to have you in my life and wish I could still see you everyday.
Thank you for making St. Louis my second home, a place where I'm always welcome.
Thank you for being so F-A-B!

Thank you for maintaining some of my oldest friendships. Even though we've all grown up and moved apart, you girls will always hold a special part of my soul.Thank you for being the best doggie ever. You make my day every time you greet me with your slobbery wet kisses.

To the big guy upstairs: Thank you for my husbands' love of cooking. We are so fortunate to have an abundance of food available to us.
Thank you for the beautiful snow tonight. Even thought I complain about the cold weather up here, it really is gorgeous when it snows.
Thank you for providing us with a warm home. I doubt this little white powder puff would survive very long on the streets.Thank you for the numerous blessings that exist in my life. I am one lucky Wisconsinite and don't let me forget it!

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