Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Happy First Birthday Porter!

My sweet baby boy, today you are ONE! I just cannot get past the bittersweet feelings on your big day, Porter. Bitter because time is a real beast as a mom; it's going too quickly and my baby isn't a wrinkly newborn anymore. Sweet because you are pure perfection and the best little caboose to our family, I'm not sure how we managed without you.

I will do a twelve month post for you soon, complete with descriptions about all you're doing these days. Rest assured, because you know I love talking about you in detail and I will maybe have a few (hundred) pictures to share from your big day.

Today you have your party, where with many of our friends and family will cheer you on as you eat cake. GoGo flew in from Colorado and we all plan to snuggle you extra aggressively this weekend, as the man of the hour. We love to celebrate you, Porter, and we are so happy you are growing and thriving and becoming such a little person.

I made this slideshow this week, because I will be damned if I don't at least *attempt* to keep things equal between siblings when it comes to my over-the-top documentation ways. Your party is not going to be as crafty and elaborate as Truman and Cecelia had it as one year olds, but I certainly took more pictures of you in your first year of life than I did for them. So the slideshow is a little long and makes me extra weepy and YOU ARE JUST A JOY, buddy. Thank you for being here and for completing our family. You make me want at least ONE more Porter because I just can't get enough of your sweet cheeks.

You're the happiest, you're the silliest, you're our favorite little baby-turned-one-year-old in the history of ever.

We love you more than words. We are so glad you're ours.

Porter 1 year from Julia H. on Vimeo.

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