Saturday, May 20, 2017

Our Lazy Spring Break A Winner!

Last week was our Spring Break, also known as "Wedding Recovery Week"
We didn't have any big plans over Spring Break because I knew that we would be exhausted from all the wedding festivities. I can't tell you how glad I was that we had nothing planned....I was so tired, that we didn't even leave the house until Wednesday!!
Can I tell you how nice it was to just lounge around at home?
On Monday we stayed in our pj's all day long.
The weather was gorgeous, so we hung out in the backyard enjoying the sunshine and painting.
I pretty much drank coffee and Diet Coke all day long because I was so tired.
Then I had a mental breakdown on Monday night. Sorry about that Kevin. Yikes.
Tuesday was another pajama day (I told you it was a lazy break)
We made The Pioneer Woman's Maple Pecan Scones. Claire is really starting to be helpful in the kitchen.
The scone recipe is in her cookbook, this is what they looked like before I put on the amazing maple icing. YUM!
Wednesday we actually got dressed & left the house in the afternoon for a playdate with Maddie & Nicole.
When we got home the girls wanted to go swimming, but it was too cold, so they just played hopscotch inside in their bathing suits.
Thursday we had another playdate at Wendy's house. But I didn't take any pictures!
Friday the girls picked out their own outfits & we spent another day playing outside enjoying the sun.
I am loving Claire's outfit...brown socks with black shoes is stylin!
So, there you have it...our super lazy & unproductive Spring Break!
I had a to-do list that I wanted to get done over Spring Break, like:
clean out closets,
get caught up on laundry,
organize bins of clothes in the garage,
organize our food pantry,
deep clean our house,
do Easter crafts with the girls,
Did I get any of it done? NOPE!
We were a little more productive on Saturday when Kevin got the play structure set up from our friends. Gotta love free stuff! We spent a few hours staining the wood & it looks as good as new!
The girls love playing on it. I have a feeling this play structure is going to be the cause of our first ER visit.

Let's end on some randomness:
Here is what the back of my hair looked like for the wedding. I loved it & I didn't take it out until the day after the wedding:
Also for the wedding, I got a shellac manicure. I haven't gotten a manicure in years, but decided to get one for the wedding. Shellac manicures are a new type of manicure & I can't believe how long it has lasted!!
Check it out:
And, I finally picked a winner for my giveaway!

The winner was #53
Congrats, Jessica!

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