Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Colorado Trip 2013 Day 4

Saturday, October 26: Day 4

Truman woke up at 6 am after sleeping only 7.5 hours. Not enough for a three year old, if you ask me. Nate and I went downstairs with him and CC/Mom/Dad came down shortly after. I guess Cecelia had been waking up once or twice each night during our trip so far, and just needed a pacifier popped back into her mouth from my mom. Not too bad, but still nice to sleep through all of that with my mom being on CC duty!


I can't even.

Family fun, early morning.

Nate found a local coffee shop that we HAD to try this morning: Truman's Coffeehouse! We went and brought our coffees home. It was just 'okay' and we weren't really sure about all of the high ratings online, since it seemed more like a bagel place than coffee shop. But whatever. Cute pictures anyway.



Mom and Dad sold my Dad's family farm in MO (!!), so they had to run to the bank to get papers notarized. While they were gone Nate and I took the kids for a wagon ride around the neighborhood. It was the PERFECT weather this day: in the 60s, sunny, and not a cloud in the sky. I love my parents' new neighborhood and it's all new construction and very modern. Odd not to have any big trees or super old houses around but it is still really beautiful. All of the brand new homes gave us lots of ideas about how we'd like to paint/re-side our house someday;)

All dressed in their tourist shirts for the day!



We got back to the row house and my parents were back already. Dad and Nate left for their BIG golfing day at the super fancy Arrowhead golf course. It was about 2 hours away and my brother Michael drove from Colorado Springs to mer them there. I told Nate he needed to take a ton of pictures because the photos online are ridiculous---mountains, giant sandstone rocks, greens, etc. He did take pictures and was nice enough to share them with me for this post;)







The guys were gone from about 10:30 until 9 pm that night (sigh, golf widows), so mom and I had the kids to ourselves all day long. We all went to Target after the guys left and I got to try on clothes ALONE while mom had the kids in the toy aisle. Seriously heaven. The kids were getting super tired by the end of this trip, and mom bought them each another new toy so they were itching to get home and play. We got back home, played, ate a quick bite, and laid the kids down for naps. But Cecelia only napped for 2 hours and I could tell she was still tired. I went for a jog and surprisingly felt decent considering the thinner air/being totally out of running shape/being on vacation. When I got back home I showered and got dressed, and saw mom and CC 'walking' Lucie dog together. Then they played with mom's jewelry box. Adorable.









Truman woke up and after he was ready to face the world the four of us went to the local library. It was really cute and had a fun kid's area. We got a new more books to read and a few DVDs for Truman, then went to dinner at Panera's nearby. The kids were not as fun/entertaining at this dinner and basically ate nothing and were very wild. Ah, that's more like the kids I know when dining out! But whatever. Having two adults to two kids is at least helpful for dining out.

Library. No pictures taken at dinner, too chaotic.


Our little foursome went back home and did baths. CC went to bed around 8 this night, and once the guys got home at 9 Truman went down, too. Michael came back with dad and Nate and stayed the night in Fort Collins this night, so we got to chat and do more of the puzzle with him. And more Cardinals, of course.

My brother is six years younger than me and is going to graduate school at CU, so it's always entertaining to hear stories reminiscent of our younger years. For instance: Michael's 'goal' time for bed is 1 am, but sometimes he stays up a lot later. Can.You.Imagine? I cannot. He can also sleep in super late on the mornings he doesn't have class. Also cannot fathom ever sleeping past 7 am;) Good old Uncle Mike. Nate and I had originally planned to drive to Denver with Michael this night, to see a concert there....like cool kids do;) It was going to be Tame Impala and I admit I've never listened to them before, but Michael likes them. Nate and I were going to get a hotel room so we didn't have to drive the hour back to Fort Collins at 2 am, and Michael was going to drive back to Colorado Springs after the concert. Maybe it's just my mom tendencies but driving for an hour at 2 am after drinking? No. Problem ended up being that all of the hotel rooms in Denver were $250 or more and we just didn't want to pay $320 (including concert tickets) for a band we didn't even know. Michael said he totally got it and would just hang out all day on Sunday with us.

Good thing we ditched the Denver idea anyway, since the guys didn't get back from golfing until so late. We never would have even made that concert and we were all wayyyy too tired to consider even going out in Fort Collins. Lame, yes. But sometimes lounging at home with a single beer is every bit as fun as going out. See also: we are so old.

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