Sunday, May 7, 2017

Epic Easter Bunny Fail

Before you scroll down to see this year's Easter Bunny picture,
be sure to click HERE to see the Easter Bunny pictures from the last 3 years!
It will give you a nice preview of what to expect.

Okay, are you back?

It goes without saying that my girls don't like the Easter Bunny.

Here is the 2010 Epic Easter Bunny FAIL:
{click to enlarge}

Classic! I am a mean mommy & LOVE pictures like this.
My girls didn't disappoint me this year! ha!
We were quite the scene at the mall this afternoon.

I wish you could see the cute shirts I made them using my friend Julie's tutorial.

So, here they are up close (since you can't see them in the Easter Bunny picture:
I am pretty happy how they turned out considering this is the first thing I have sewn without any help at all!

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