Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bar Beginning

The bar has begun!  Well, kind of.  There are protectors on the carpet so to me, that means it has begun!  Nate has it all marked out with coasters and chairs.  Isn't he cute?

In other news - fun find of the week - wrapping paper storage!  How did I live without this?  Only problem - my GIANT roll that is too tall to put the lid on if I keep that roll in the bin.  Oh well, I will just have to use it up!

PS - I've been outed!  My good friend since extreme awkward days (see evidence below - I think I destroyed the REALLY awkward pics) Kristin, is a blogging celebrity over at Iowa Girls Eats and linked me!  I guess this means I need to get my act together and truly blog!  Within about 20 minutes of her posting, my "all time views" went from 600 to over 7,000.  I had only told like 3 friends, sis in law, and my mom.  Now I am outing HER with high school bikini shots! :)

And a more recent less awkward shot.  

But we will always be awkward.  That is why we love each other!

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