Friday, June 9, 2017

St Pattys Day 2014

Being that Kevin and I are both Irish, St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite days.
Plus let's be honest...I love celebrating any type of holiday.
My girls are really into St. Patricks Day and are determined to catch a Leprechaun.
Here is how we celebrate the day....
 The Leprechaun leaves them Lucky Charms for breakfast which is a huge treat because it's a sugar cereal!
Their milk is also dyed green.
 Boulder's water is also turned green:
The Leperachuan causes some racous in our house...flips some picture frames upside down:

 Claire had to make a trap for school and I thought it was so creative. Kevin helped her with the design, but Kate & Claire mostly executed the entire thing!  
They wanted to trick the Lepechaun into thinking that it was a slide, so they took a slide from their doll house & made sign that said "Fun Slide"
 At the bottom of the slide was the "trap door".
 Inside the trap was some doll furniture, so that the Leperchaun would think that it wasn't a trap, but a cozy place to hang out.
 I thought it was so cute & well thought out. 
Too bad the Leperchaun didn't get trapped ;)
While the girls were at school, the Leprechaun was mischievous  and switched the girls quilts and name pillows.
 He also messed up Luke's name canvas by flipping it upside down:
 He also left a map for the girls to fin their treasure.
 Every year, he leaves a map with a trail of gold coins that leads them to a little gift.
This year the pot of gold was in the play structure.
It is so fun to see them so excited about the map & treasure.
Gold coins leading the way to the treasure:
The "treasure" is always something small.
 This year, it was a book for Luke and the girls each got some water colors & some rainbow loom bands. The Skittles are for me & Kevin :)
Confession: The water colors were leftover from Claire's Tangled Party and the rainbow loom rubber bands were supposed to be in their stockings at Christmas, but I forgot to put them in. Same with the book for Luke. Ha! Gotta love having random stuff stored in my gift closet ;)

Dinner was Guinness Stew, Smashed + Loaded Potatoes & Broccoli:
 And, of course, Green Beer:
For the kids, I made Green Rice Krispy Treats. Just make normal Rice Krispy Treats & add a few drops of green food coloring as you are melting the butter/marshmallows.
Kevin & I had Oreo Mint Chip Ice Cream Pie for Dessert {Recipe HERE}. YUM.
  Of course I wore my green jeans today. Love these pants!
It was a fun day doing little things to make memories for our kids.

In case you missed it yesterday, my Rodan + Fields Team has a March Madness Special going on this week. 
Check it out HERE.

Hope you had a fun St. Patrick's Day!
Do you do anything special to celebrate? 

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