Saturday, June 17, 2017

Final Shower

After all the love at showers one, two and three, it is hard to believe we had another shower!  This shower was hosted by Nate's aunt and cousin with the ladies on that side of the family.

They had tons of yummy and healthy food and the cutest decor!

There were lots of fun games to play - I was terrible at them! :)

Amy requested to be cropped.  Boo!  Such a funny picture!

And more generous gifts!

We love all the cute jammies!  Thank you Jess and Sallie for hosting such a perfect shower!

I had to send my mom a picture of this one since she is a pilot. :)

Nate and I have been so overwhelmed with everyone's thoughtfulness and generosity!  We are so blessed to have SO many people excited for Baby Bradley!

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