Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy 1 1 11

Happy New Year!
The math teacher in me loves that today is 1.1.11
When my sister got engaged, I told her she should have picked today as her wedding date (she is a math teacher also) but, she didn't want a winter wedding, so they are getting married in April.
How did you ring in the New Year?
Last night we went to our friends, The Hagen's for dinner & games.
I made my favorite cupcakes, of course :)
I can't believe I didn't take any other pictures of New Year's Eve!
We were too busy hanging out, laughing, eating, trying to tame my children & playing cribbage (Wendy & I dominated the guys, FYI).
The Hagen kids went to bed at a normal time (8:30) but our girls napped until 5:30 yesterday, so we didn't attempt to put them down at The Hagen's house & we got home a little after 11:30. Both girls were so hyper and and both girls ended up staying up until midnight!
Let's just say this morning was rough...they clearly did not get enough sleep!

I love the beginning of a New Year.
It is like a fresh start, a clean slate.
I am one of those people who does resolutions every year
(and, I pretty much fail at them every year)

I need to finish up my resolutions for this year...stay tuned!

I am also one of those people who feels the need to clean everything out for the New Year & organize my house for the start of the New Year.
Am I the only one who does that?
And, since school starts back up again on Monday, I really need to get organized/mentally prepared after having 2 glorious weeks off.

Hope you have enjoyed your New Year's Weekend!

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