Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I truly think that Cecelia looks so much like Truman that it's rather eerie. Sometimes she will make an expression and it will take my breath away, transporting me back in time about 2 years ago to when Truman was her age. But then other times, I really see that she is her own little person and like nobody else in the world. Even those times when they seem like clones to me, Cecelia is definitely a more feminine version of baby Truman---with a lot more hair, blue eyes, and a face that is not a perfect circle. :) Also, Truman was a HUGE baby and Cecelia is pretty average for her weight (but super tall). So there's that.

Anyway, I've been wanting to compare baby photos for my two little munchkins for awhile now. Looking at pictures side by side makes me think they are NOT as similar as I imagine them to be in my head. I dunno. I feel like I'm not capturing their similar expressions on camera very well. What do you think?

Cecelia at 8 months, all pictures of Truman are 6-9 months.

The stunned look. Very similar here, IMO.

The silly grin. Very different to me here.

Angry babies. Clones.
Angry again. Hilarious.
Precious faces. Masculine versus feminine.

Oh. And I did a 'naked baby' photoshoot with Cecelia yesterday. I plan to do an entire post dedicated to her adorable cheeks but for now---had to do more comparisons between her and Truman's naked shoot. He was only 6 months old here and already 19 lbs (!!)---so similar sizes but he was extra smooshy and younger. Seriously, sweet baby skin is just about the most intoxicating thing ever, right? Obsessed. Don't care if my children will be embarrassed of these pictures someday. Worth it to capture the lovely baby lumps!

Our children both have big cracks. And awesome thigh rolls. And waist line from cloth diapers;)


One of my fave photos of Truman as a baby, and Cecelia's eyes are so freaking blue here (and her hair so RED!)

Double chins! No necks! Eyebrows!

I mean...

This kind of shot makes my ovaries hurt. AND I STILL HAVE A BABY to love right now. Stop it, ovaries.

So fun to compare my babes. I will probably do this again many times over because I can't help myself.

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