Sunday, August 13, 2017

Vacation Fashion Planning

We just got back from another family trip to Key West and had the best time!  Like always, I preplanned way too many outfits.  I think I wore three of these.  Max.  But I felt prepared! :)

I got my nails and toes all vacation ready and went to packing!

I usually start by going through my clothes and making piles of what I think I want to bring, then see if I can make it into an outfit.  Our room becomes mayhem and I lock Nate out.

Sprinkles usually likes laying in the middle of it all.

First, I started off with my new favorite item, my kimono!  This was my one vacation "splurge" that I purchased for the trip, and it was worth every penny!  I'm guessing you saw all my Instagram posts with my beloved kimono!  I knew I wanted to wear it as a swimsuit cover up, have a shorts option, and long jeans option.  Here were the plans:

I didn't end up wearing either like this, but I did end up wearing the kimono out to dinner one night, and as a swim cover-up everyday.  I am excited for the weather to get warmer here to rock my kimono!

I also picked up a few vacation essentials at Target.  Not splurges but necessities!  

Chimi thought so, too.

From here on, it was outfit planning with already owned items.  I tried to come up with lots of shorts outfits.  Usually Key West can have a slight cool breeze in the evening, so longer sleeves and shorts work well.  And per usual, almost all of my outfits were created using inspiration pics!  A couple of my plans:

Then of course had to pack the super casuals...

...a few skirts...

(I wait to iron items until we arrive, obviously).

...and a couple dresses.

I had quite a few others that I snapped pics of but didn't make the cut.  This is why I like putting clothes on first.  You never know what the full outfit will look like until you put it on!  

Sidebar - I don't "outfit plan" my swimwear, but how cute is this new Target top with super old Target bottoms??  I think I wore this four times on vaycay.

Lastly, I grab random comfy tanks, tshirts, shorts, and comfies that don't have set outfits.  I usually end up wearing those more than my planned outfits anyway!

The girls always get extra snuggly as I am packing up my suitcase.  They just know we are leaving!

I will post some vaycay pics soon with what made the cut in the Keys!  I did post quite a few to Instagram already while I was down there.  More to come!

PS - I did not include outfit details since most are old, but let me know if you are curious about anything!

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