Sunday, August 6, 2017

Favorite Recipies Irish Brown Bread

Makes 4 medium loaves
Prep. time – 30 min.
Bake time – 35-40 min

I had never baked home made bread the first 12 years of marriage – because I thought it was just too hard and time consuming...
Then my mom, who is an excellent cook, introduced this bread recipe to us and it is *so delicious*!  I was craving it so much when I was pregnant with the twins that I decided I had to learn to make it!  *smile*  This recipe is very easy to make, and it is whole wheat yet still soft and chewy.  It is a staple food item for us now, served at many of our dinners.  We highly recommend it!

2 cup white flour
2 1/8 cup whole wheat pastry flour*
1 tsp. salt
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
¼ cup sugar
1/3 cup softened butter
1 egg
1 ¾ cup butter milk (plus 1-2 Tbl for later)
Coarse sugar (optional)

- In large bowl stir together with a whisk flours, salt, baking powder, soda, sugar until blended.
- Cut in butter with a pastry blender until it disappears into flour mixture.
- In a separate bowl, beat eggs and butter milk together.
- Stir with a spoon into dry ingredients just until blended (mix as little as possible).  I use a round head wooden spoon for smoother texture.

- Turn out onto floured surface and kneed with floured hands until smooth.  Might take up to ½ cup more flour while needing; it is very sticky (but don’t add too much flour).
- Divide dough into fourths; shape each piece into a smooth, round loaf.  Place on greased baking sheet.

- With sharp, floured knife cut crosses into top of loaves about ½” deep. (see photo below)
- Brush the extra tablespoons of buttermilk across the tops of the loaves, then sprinkle with coarse sugar (optional)

- Bake 375 degrees 35-40 min. or until nicely browned.  

* For a double recipe, add 2 Tbl extra flour when mixing the dry and wet ingredients together.  Place 4 loaves on two separate pans.  Bake an extra 5 min.

* Whole wheat pastry flour can be found at Fred Meyer in bulk. But this finest flour doesn’t last long, so I encourage you not to buy too much in bulk. Store in the refrigerator to maintain health benefit and flavor.

Happy, healthy eating!

You also might enjoy reading about how I  Organize Recipies

Or some of our other favorite recipes:
Mexican Soup
White Chili
Vegetable Cheese Soup

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