Saturday, August 5, 2017

Stare into his eyes and he will eat your soul

It's true. That is how insanely cute Henry is in the rest of our pictures. Don't say I didn't warn you!

The fam: me and Nate cheesing for the camera while Henry looks a bit apprehensive. I think when Andrea pulled out her treat bag he was a goner. Hence, the look of intensity seen here.

I believe in Santa Clause. Do you?
The award for the most ticked off Santa goes to....Henry! Best.picture.ever.
Chilling with the fam yet again, while Henry peers at an interesting leaf or something.
See? And please notice how snugly his costume fits his bulging pectoral muscles. I mean he was basically busting out of this bad boy due to pure strength.
Fa-la-la-la. Here we are skipping along like a happy family while Henry drags us by his throat. Coughing and gagging are included for free:)
This one is a fave. But I shall not mention which one is chosen for our cards. The suspense must be killing you, right?
Um, Henry.....the camera is that way.
And now for the soul-snatching eyes:

Click on the pictures if you really want to feel yourself squeak with admiration. He is really that cute and Andrea is really that good at capturing crazy little furballs like this.

And there you have it. Multiple pictures of our little family for your viewing pleasure. If only we waited one more day [or one more week] and our pictures could've included magical snow in the background. But then again, it was nice to preserve a time before all this whiteness took over the earth. We got another decent downfall yesterday which always makes for a fun morning commute. Did I mention that Mother Nature hates me? Probably because she's jealous of my cute dog.

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