Thursday, August 17, 2017

Infinitely More

We just built a well.

I kept checking the progress of our well & was THRILLED when at 2:15 pm I saw this on my computer screen:
We reached $5,000 (and then some!)

When I saw this, I cried.

Tears of joy, tears of amazement.

Couldn't believe we reached our goal 2 days into the raffle!

Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and money for the well.

250 lives now promised clean, safe water for years to come.

An entire village will be changed.

A boy like this:
Will now have this:
I am amazed.

So, what's next?

We changed our goal to $10,000.

Let's build 2 wells!

Because God can do infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
He has already proven this to us.

Go HERE to donate & don't forget there are 3 more days of giveaways on our Project 320 blog!

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