Monday, July 10, 2017


Since I started my blogging journey, I find myself "blog hopping" quite a bit. Meaning, I'll start at one blog and link to a favorite, then again I'll jump to another favorite from that new blog, and so on.

In the process, I've stumbled upon some ridiculously inspiring blogs. As in, blow-your-mind-talented people. I'd like to consider myself fairly creative and I fiddle around with different projects to keep my creativity alive. But some of these blogs I've discovered make my projects seem so....crappy, for a lack of a better word.

One of these blogs I just HAVE to show you : Anahata Katkin. Her art store is here, and some of my favorite stuff is in her site called PaPaYa! found here. Everything is so whimsical, bright, vintage, eclectic, and GIRLIE! I am in love. [swoon!]

Check out these holiday cards [oh, how I wish I was a procrastinator and didn't already make mine]

And then there's the journals. Talk about inspiring! I don't keep a journal [well, besides my blog] but maybe I'll get one just in case:)

Her art prints would be most practical for me. I would LOVE to have something like this framed and hanging on our walls. I checked with the hubby and he only approves of the first two---which is better than none, right?

Is anyone else drooling right now? Sigh.

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