Thursday, March 9, 2017

We Love the Fair!

Last week the kids & I headed to the County Fair with my sister & Jack. 
I look forward to the Fair every year (and so do the girls!)
I love all the sights, sounds & smells.
And, it's so fun to photograph. 
Here is our day in photos:
 Trash cans disguised as Clowns:

 We checked out the petting girls love animals as much as I do......they were VERY reluctant to go in there.....
We lasted about 2 minutes in there. Ha!

 Then we had to wash up at the Sudsy Barn.
Me & my girls....smiling because we were brave & survived the petting zoo :)
 Our favorite thing at the fair....The PIG RACES!
 In heat #1....bringing up the rear...the pig named Sourdough JACK!
 And, in the 2nd the lead, a pig named Luke Sky-porker.
 The girls (and my sister & I) thought it was hysterical there were pigs named Jack & Luke :)

Next up were the was $1 ride day!
 Kate wanted to do this ride so bad., but of course it was the only one not for $ was $8!!!  No thanks.

  They wanted to go on this "roller coaster" looked like no big deal.
I watched from the side... Claire was verrrrrrry nervous the whole time.

 Each time it went by, I yelled to them...."Just hold on & stay seated"

 It had a decent little drop.....and it kept going and going and going around.....4 times.
 Should have gone on with them.....OOPS.

 We always end our day at the fair with a stop at the Dairy for a treat!
 Our time at the 2013 Fair is in the books!
It is one of my very favorite summer time traditions!
Do you go to the Fair?

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