Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Back to School Resolutions

School is in full swing.
3 days down, 183 to go!
This week I started my 8th year of teaching Middle School Math!
I forgot how exhausting the first week of school is.
We are so lazy & relaxed all summer, that I was a little shell shocked going back to school last week!
So far the first week has been good. Tiring, but good.
It feels nice to bet back into a routine again.

A new school year is like a new calendar year.
A fresh start. New Beginnings.
I was one of those kids growing up who LOVED the start of school.
I loved going back to school shopping for new clothes and for new school supplies.
Heck, I still love doing that!
So, I thought I would write down my Back to School Resolutions to keep myself more accountable and, because who doesn't love a list?
2011 Back to School Resolutions
  1. Be in bed at 10:30 each night (as I type this at midnight. ha!)
  2. Lay out my outfit & jewelry each night so that the mornings aren't so rushed.
  3. Make & pack my lunch the night before.
  4. Make coffee & use the automatic timer in the morning (Kevin always does this, thank you Kevin!)
  5. Don't hit snooze 5 times before I get up in the morning.
  6. Leave for school by 7:40 am
  7. Meal plan on Sundays so that I have our dinners figured out for the week.
  8. Pack the girls clothes/backpacks each night before bed.
  9. On Sundays, I want to finish laundry & house cleaning for the week so that I start the week with a clean house.
  10. Have a good attitude!!! (I had some tough students last year & I had a super bad attitude toward the end of the year and would bring home that bad attitude. Not this year!)

As a working mom with 2 little girls & a side business of photography & Etsy shop, I need to keep myself organized so that our home can run as smoothly as possible, but trust me, things get crazy at times!

I pretty much have the same Back to School Resolutions every year, let's see how long they last this year!
Anyone else have Back to School Resolutions?

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