Friday, August 4, 2017

Week In Pictures

Trying out lots of different belly creams.  Hoping one works!

Sometimes you just need a little black iced tea in your life.

Loving all things Spring, including polish colors!

Sprinkles found a good spot to tuck herself in. :)

We received a special delivery from my bro, SIL and nephews in Chicago!  Bradley has his own sweatshirt to match his cousins now!

Finally read a pregnancy book!  It is probably the least educational, but at least I read one.

We get breakfast every Friday at can be dangerous!

Hosted a shower for one of my girlfriends!  Somehow she looks so innocent in her bonnet with all the booze! :)

She brought non-alcoholic champagne and cute booties for Bradley!!

Our littlest girl turned 4 last week!  Happy birthday Chim Chim!

Our neighborhood ladies night had a book shower for the new moms in the neighborhood!  So sweet!

Loving our new doormat!

My lil creeper.

My new addiction!  Hoping this sticks so I drink these instead of my beloved Diet Sunkist Lemonades, which are full of aspartame!

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