Wednesday, August 9, 2017


For the first 365 days of Luke's life I took an Instagram photo a day and called it #thedailyluke
I got the idea from Drew B, when she took a photo of her daughter Kennedy everyday in the year 2012. I thought it was such a cool project and was inspired to do it everyday of Luke's first year of life!

Day #1
Days 2 through 364:
Day 365:
This was SUCH a fun project.
It was so fun taking a photo of Luke each day & seeing him grow.
I have loved looking back on all these photos and I know I will continue to look back on them.
Thank you for all of you who encouraged me each day with #thedailyluke
I can't believe I didn't miss a day!
Having a iphone makes it so easy to do this and I am too OCD to miss a day ;)

I think I am going to print each photo and make a little book out of it. 
Has anyone done a 365 project like this? 
What did you do with all 365 photos?
I would love to hear your ideas!


And, as a 5 year blogoversary giveaway ends tonight at midnight!
I will pick the winners this weekend! 
Enter {here} if you haven't done so already!

Happy Friday!!!

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