Saturday, August 5, 2017

Summer Its half over

Summer. It's halfway over.
That makes me want to cry.
The "back to school" dreams/nightmares have already started. Ugh.
Here are some Insta-Highlights from the past week which was officially the Halfway mark.

Sunday after church we watched the US Women lose in a heart-breaking shoot-out to Japan in the World Cup Finals. We turned the game on & Claire ran outside to get her soccer ball.
The former soccer player in me rejoiced!
Her & Kate played "soccer" during most of the first half.
Did you know 20 years ago, on 7-17-91, I became a Christian & I prayed this prayer at summer camp. I was 12. Best decision I ever made.
{Romans 10:9-13}

Sunday was also National Ice Cream Day.
Target had Ben & Jerry's on sale. Milk & Cookies = YUM.
But my favorite was the new flavor, Bonnardo Buzz.
Coffee Ice cream with Heath Bar? YES, please.

Monday night Wendy & Jess came over to watch SYTYCD.
Wendy was pretending to be Cat Deely.
(Wendy is on a chair because she is short)
Do you watch? Kate's ballet/tap teacher was Ashley
(She got voted off 2 weeks ago. So Sad. She is such a good dancer & SO nice!)

I made chocolate dipped strawberries to eat as we watched.
They made fun of me because I had Full House on my DVR. So what if I am 32 & DVR Full House. Does that make me dorky or Awesome? I vote Awesome.
Full House is one of the greatest shows. I watched it every Friday night as a kid. Who's with me?

Kate had a fever earlier this week. No fun.
Sunflowers in the summer make me happy:
Know what I love about summer? Weekday mornings with no schedule & we can hang out around the house & make pancakes for breakfast.
Organizing Library books. Yes, they checked out Amelia Bedilia. Awesome.
Poolside Princess Dinner.
Fabric for Claire's Birthday Party:
Princess Obsession at this house. They ate lunch with us.
Whoever invented Slow Melt popsicles is a genius. They are actually slow melting.
Riding the plasma car in the house? Why not!?!
Last night we had a date night to go see Harry Potter.
Big Harry Potter fans here. I thought the movie was great!
Cupcake toppers for Jordis' Birthday party this weekend:
Have you had this Sweet Tea before? I should have been born in the South because I am OBSESSED with Sweet Tea. They don't serve Sweet Tea here in California. I found this brand last summer & I am in LOVE.
Making the best chocolate chip cookies EVER (with pudding in the mix)
Recipe HERE.

Kate is doing so great at her swim team/swim lessons. She has improved so much!
Her teacher has been teaching her freestyle for the past week.
This picture makes me happy. It is our backyard after a pool playdate yesterday. Love the pool towels & suits hanging out to dry & all the pool toys piled up. One of my favorite things about this house is being able to have pool playdates!
Hope the first half of your summer has been great!
Now, I am going to go cry that it is halfway over. Wahhhh!!!

Linking up with:
life rearranged
And, don't forget, the Summer Salad Swap is Wednesday 7.27.11

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